Food Storage

Freeze Dried Popsicles – A Step-by-Step Guide

Freeze dried popsicles are made by freeze-drying regular popsicles. They are a popular snack because they have a long shelf life, are low in calories and fat, and are a good source of vitamins and minerals.

Why Freeze Dried Popsicles

Freeze-dried popsicles are a delicious and refreshing treat that offers a number of benefits over traditional popsicles.

Here are some of the reasons why you might want to choose freeze dried popsicles:

  • Longer shelf life: Freeze dried popsicles can last for years without refrigeration, making them a great snack to have on hand for emergencies or outdoor adventures.
  • Lighter weight and more portable: Freeze dried popsicles are much lighter than traditional popsicles, making them easier to pack and carry with you.
  • More nutritious: Freeze-drying preserves the nutrients in food better than other drying methods, so freeze-dried popsicles retain more of the vitamins and minerals of the original ingredients.
  • Less messy: Freeze dried popsicles don’t melt, so they’re less messy to eat than traditional popsicles.
  • Unique texture: Freeze dried popsicles have a light, airy, and crunchy texture that is different from traditional popsicles.

Origins of Freeze dried Popsicles

Freeze dried popsicles were first developed in the 1970s by NASA for use in space. They became commercially available in the 1980s and have grown in popularity ever since. Freeze-dried popsicles offer a number of benefits over traditional popsicles, including a longer shelf life, portability, and more nutritional value.

Why Freeze Drying Makes Popsicles Better

CharacteristicFreeze-dried popsiclesTraditional popsicles
Shelf lifeYearsWeeks
Weight and portabilityLighter and more portableHeavier and less portable
Nutritional valueMore nutritiousLess nutritious
MessinessLess messyMore messy
TextureLight, airy, and crunchySmooth and creamy
Calories and fatLower in calories and fatHigher in calories and fat

Taste Testing Freeze Dried Popsicles

Freeze dried popsicles offer a unique and flavorful eating experience. The freeze-drying process concentrates the flavors of the original ingredients, resulting in a burst of flavor with every bite.

  • Strawberry: Freeze-dried strawberry popsicles have a sweet and tart flavor that is reminiscent of fresh strawberries. The texture is light and airy, with a slight crunch.
  • Grape: Freeze-dried grape popsicles have a sweet and juicy flavor that is reminiscent of ripe grapes. The texture is slightly chewier than freeze-dried strawberry popsicles.
  • Chocolate: Freeze-dried chocolate popsicles have a rich and decadent flavor that is reminiscent of dark chocolate. The texture is smooth and creamy, with a slightly crunchy outer shell.
  • Mint chocolate chip: Freeze-dried mint chocolate chip popsicles have a refreshing and minty flavor with bits of chocolate chips. The texture is similar to freeze-dried chocolate popsicles.

The texture of freeze-dried popsicles is also unique. They are much lighter and airier than traditional popsicles, and they have a slight crunch. This makes them a fun and satisfying snack to eat.

Here are some tips for enjoying freeze-dried popsicles:

  • Eat them slowly: Freeze-dried popsicles can be very sweet, so it is best to eat them slowly to savor the flavor.
  • Pair them with other foods: Freeze-dried popsicles can be paired with other foods, such as yogurt, fruit, or granola, to create a more satisfying snack.
  • Use them as a topping: Freeze-dried popsicles can be crushed and used as a topping for ice cream, yogurt, or oatmeal.
Source: Bigger Bolder Baking yt channel

Benefits Of freeze Dried Popsicles

Freeze-dried popsicles are a delicious and refreshing treat that offers a number of benefits over traditional popsicles.

Nutritional perks: Freeze dried popsicles are typically lower in calories and fat than traditional popsicles. They are also a good source of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, potassium, and calcium. The freeze-drying process preserves the nutrients in food better than other drying methods, so freeze-dried popsicles retain more of the vitamins and minerals of the original ingredients.

Long shelf life: Freeze dried popsicles can last for years without refrigeration, while traditional popsicles will only last for a few weeks in the freezer. This makes freeze-dried popsicles a great snack to have on hand for emergencies or outdoor adventures.

Other benefits: Freeze dried popsicles are also lighter and more portable than traditional popsicles, making them easier to pack and carry with you. They are also less messy to eat, as they don’t melt.

Overall, freeze dried popsicles are a healthy and convenient snack option that offers a number of benefits over traditional popsicles.

DIY Freeze Dried Popsicles

To make your own freeze-dried popsicles at home, you will need:

  • A freeze dryer
  • Popsicle molds
  • Your favorite popsicle recipe


  1. Make your favorite popsicle recipe.
  2. Pour the popsicle mixture into the popsicle molds.
  3. Freeze the popsicles for several hours, or until they are solid.
  4. Remove the popsicles from the molds and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  5. Freeze the popsicles for another hour, or until they are completely frozen.
  6. Place the baking sheet in the freeze dryer and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  7. Once the freeze-drying process is complete, remove the popsicles from the freeze dryer and store them in an airtight container.

Here are some tips for making freeze-dried popsicles:

  • Use fresh, high-quality ingredients.
  • Avoid using too much sugar, as this can make the popsicles sticky after freeze-drying.
  • If you are using fruits or vegetables in your popsicles, puree them first to ensure a smooth texture.
  • If you are adding chocolate chips or other toppings to your popsicles, do so after the popsicles have been frozen for the first time.
  • Be careful not to over-freeze the popsicles, as this can make them brittle.

Impact of Freeze Drying

Freeze-drying is an energy-intensive process, but it is more sustainable than other food preservation methods. To reduce the environmental impact of freeze-drying, use an energy-efficient freeze dryer with environmentally friendly refrigerants, only freeze-dry food that you need, store freeze-dried food in an airtight container, and compost or recycle the packaging.


1: Can you freeze popsicles with dry ice?

To freeze popsicles with dry ice, place the popsicles in a cooler or insulated container, cover them with dry ice, and insulate them again. Close the container and let it sit for several hours, or until the popsicles are frozen.

2: Why do ice popsicles freeze faster? Is something added to it?

Ice popsicles freeze faster because they have a larger surface area to volume ratio, fewer impurities, and sugar, which is a depressant. Here are some tips to freeze popsicles faster: use a metal mold, place it in the freezer immediately, freeze on the coldest setting, and do not overcrowd the freezer.

3: How long does it take for a popsicle to freeze?

It takes between 4 and 8 hours for a popsicle to freeze solid. You can freeze popsicles faster by using a metal mold, placing them in the freezer immediately, freezing on the coldest setting, and not overcrowding the freezer.

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